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Web Design
I have compiled the most useful resources that I have come across in designing this site.
Dynamic Development Resources
- Techweb Tech Tools
- CNet Builder
- HotWired Webmonkey
Development Reference
- Tripods Webtech-Toolbox
Offers some solid web page design information and tutorials.
- Web Site Garage
A cool way to "tune up" your web site if you are just starting off.
- World Wide Web Consortium
Here are some rather long winded HTML Authouring guidelines
set out by the W3C. A little anal about standards, but a good guide to ensure your pages are
accessible to the large majority of visitors.
- HTML Writers Guild
Tons of useful links to satisfy the most demanding web author.
- Page Loading Speed
Some sage advice to ensure your page loads before the turn of the Century.
Devlopment Philosphy
- Zen and the Art of Web Sites
resource is a more philisophical treatment of web design, but it has lots of great tips and practical
- Creating Killer Web Sites
This site ( a companion to David Siegel's amazing book on web design)
provides some great insights and ideas into creative and effective web design. Check out design tips
and sample sites.
- To Do On The Web
Offers some great tips
on web page authoring.
Software Resources
- DreamWeaver
Macromedia's Kick-ass, full featured web authoring tool
- HTML Editor
If you want a great HTML editor. This is it.
- Image Maps
Automatically creates HTML code for image maps.
- Paint Shop Pro
The next best thing to Photoshop.
- Tons of Fonts
Looking for some original fonts to spice up your page.
Excellent Web Design Books
- Creating Killer Web Sites
- Hotwired Style:Principles for Building Smar Web Sites
- Roger Black: Web Sites That Work