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Sylt, Germany (page 2-The Beach)

The real kicker is that admission is charged for entering the beach area. They do have these really cool beach chairs though. We arrived with 20 minutes left in the last race of the day. It was a bit of a downer, although the surfers are so far out you can barely see them anyway. We walked up the beach for an hour or so. It was at this point that Jeff and I thought it would be appropriate to take a swim in the North Sea. It must have been at least 5 degrees. We stripped down to our skivvies ( gotta love that word skivies ) and ran screaming into the salty sea. Needless to say we were the only ones in the water, except for the surfers of course. Go to Sylt if you have 80 Dm to blow on a Salmon dinner or feel far too constrained in a bathing suit when swimming.

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Page 2 - The Beach

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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