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Hamburg, Germany (page 1 - Intro )

I would be remiss if I didnīt spend a short time describing some of the interesting things I have seen and done here in my European hometown. The flat where I am spending my four months in Europe is located across the river Elbe in Harburg. I am living with Mr. Herb Noreiga, a classmate from Waterloo. Our flat is fully equipped with a dishwasher, TV, stereo, and all the furnishings. Our friends refer to it as the palace because, although it is small, it is one of the nicest student pads I have yet to see.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - St.Nikolai
Page 3 - Night Life
Page 4 - Art

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
© R3 Communications.