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Hamburg, Germany (page 2 - St.Nikolai)

Hamburg, as is the case with most European cities derives itīs life from water. Hamburg is one of the most important, and large ports in the world. Another interesting tidbit is that it has more embassies than any other city in the world. Hamburg was badly damaged during the world wars and was ravaged by fire in the 19th century. Due to these calamaties only a fraction of the original 800 year old city remains intact. The most notable being the Nikolai spire. This spire is the remains of the St. Nikolai cathedral which has been rebuilt at a location further north in Hamburg. Pictures just after WWII show the Nikolai spire as the highest surviving remnant. There are several museum ships docked permanently in the harbor, two of which are the Cap San Diego and the Rickmer Rickmer. The walk along the Elbe gives a great view of the container terminals the loading cranes.

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Page 2 - St.Nikolai
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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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