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Berlin, Germany (pg. 1-Intro)

I knew not what to expect from Berlin as a city. It turned out to be one of my most favorite cities that I have visited to date. It was raining, as per usual, as we left Hamburg at a punishing 6:30 in the morning. Needless to say we all slept soundly on the bus. We exited the bus in Berlin and were left with a strange feeling of disorientation. We came to our senses and thought me we might want to see some of Berlin while we were there. We took the S-bahn, which is one of the biggest and most extensive I have seen, to the Tiergarten. It continued to rain, which seemed to bother some of us more than others. I had a great time all day.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Brandenburg
Page 3 - Night Life
Page 4 - Pergamon

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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