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Berlin, Germany (pg. 2-Brandenburg)

We walked through the garden to Victory tower which we promptly climbed ( all 258 steps ). Interestingly enough, the Victory Tower was used as air traffic control and the streets as runways by the Nazis during WWII. The roundabout surrounding this tower reminded me of pictures I had seen of Paris. We continued on to the Brandenburg Gate which marked the former location of the Berlin wall. It was a heady thing to walk through the gate ( tor in German ) which had prevented so many from doing so in previous days. We sat in the room of silence which was created as a place to remember the past and those who suffered to secure the future. We walked down to the former location of the SS and Gestapo headquarters. It was at this location where all the concentration camp activities were coordinated and plans of mass genocide were concocted by the likes of Himmler. A portion of the Berlin wall ran near this area as well. Its crumbled and rusting form lay in ruins just as the attempt to suppress freedom.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Brandenburg
Page 3 - Night Life
Page 4 - Pergamon

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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