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Berlin, Germany (pg. 3-Night Life)

We dined at TGI Friday´s that evening. A decidedly American joint. Then the challenge was too find some of the famed Berlin night life. After much deliberation we headed to a club called the EX. I thought we were in real trouble when the entrance looked not unlike that of a secret anarchist gathering. We headed in and found some seats in the back of the small warehouse club. We saw a band warming up and knew we were in for something. It turned out to be a punk band. You know the ones where you can´t understand the words and the music is rather dissonant. After a few hours we decided, by democratic vote of course, to move on and try to find something else. At this point we hit a crisis of ideology. Do you use the guidebook and go to a place that sounds cool or do you ask the locals for the hotspots. That night both approaches failed miserably.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Brandenburg
Page 3 - Night Life
Page 4 - Pergamon

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
© R3 Communications.