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Munich, Germany (page 1 - Intro )

Where shall I begin. We had heard mixed reviews about the whole Oktoberfest from Hamburg locals of all ages. The comments ranged from " Why would you want to go there " to " The place is way to crowded ". Despite these less than glowing reviews we went ahead with our travel plans to the city known to some as Germany´s hidden capital. It was not our intention to miss the world famous Oktoberfest while we were in Germany. Interestingly enough the second largest Oktoberfest is found in Waterloo, ON.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Autobahn
Page 3 - Dachau
Page 4 - Oktoberfest
Page 5 - Rhine Valley

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
© R3 Communications.