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Munich, Germany (page 4-Oktoberfest)

We returned from Dachau and wandered around near Marienplatz in the core of Munich. In some sublte way it was different than in the north. Very Bavarian. Later that night we headed to the Oktoberfest grounds. It was just as it had been described. Unumerable innebriated people from all over the world jammed into beer halls with polka bands playing Bonnie M and GNR. We had to go to three beer halls before we could even find a seat ( ofcourse you have to be sitting down to get a beer ). We ordered a round and got to talking with those people seated around us. It was quite an eclectic mix with older people from France, middle aged people from Denmark, and a couple our age from Berlin. We headed out with the couple from Berlin to a traditional fest game. There is a rotating platform and the object is to stay on. Ofcourse there are men with ropes trying to lasoo you and donīt forget the other people on the platform trying to kick you off. I had an interesting experience with this one. To set the stage I knew very little German. The conductor calls for only females. Eric jumps on and is pulled off. The conductor calls for men with Leaderhosen. Eric jumps on and is pulled off. The conductor calls for couples. Eric jumps on alone and is pulled off. Then Eric grabs the girl we were with and drags here on. If nothing else I was persistent. By this time it was past the curfew for the hostel. What to do. Go to a disco with a couple of local girls for the rest of the night and watch Jeff talk to any single woman in the entire place. Quite entertaining really.

After three hours of sleep at the hostel from 6-9 we headed back into Munchen for our bike tour. The bike tour was actually quite good. We got see some really interesting points such as the famed biergarten, surfing in a river, the hammer ( the naked guy playing frisbee with himself in the park ), and the royal palace inhabited by the likes of Kaiser Whillhelm.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Autobahn
Page 3 - Dachau
Page 4 - Oktoberfest
Page 5 - Rhine Valley

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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