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Munich, Germany (page 3-Dachau)

Unfortunately we were quite late in organizing our trip and as a result were barely able to find accomodations for our two nights in Munich. We arrived late on Friday night to the hostel to find we were in a dungeon like room that had the thick smell of vomit and mildew hanging in the air. We thought we were bad off until we met a guy from Berlin who had been living there for two months. We headed to Dachau concentration camp early the next morning. The camp was appropriatley draped with deep fog which would be burned off later that morning. We walked through the museum which is housed in the former kitchen and infirmary. It was rather unfortunate that we couldnīt read any of the letters written by the SS or the propoganda posters. Whether we could read these things or not we were all left with a very heavy, sober feeling and rightly so. I particularly appreciated the two simple words placed on a monument to the unknown victim, " NEVER AGAIN ".

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Autobahn
Page 3 - Dachau
Page 4 - Oktoberfest
Page 5 - Rhine Valley

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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