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Munich, Germany (page 2-Autobahn)

We rented a car from Budget. A classy looking Ford Mondeo was our vehicle, which was an able performer on the famed German Autobahn. Our top speed came in at 210 Km/h. Not too bad for a Ford. I have discovered the trick for driving the Autobahn is to tail a super aggresive person driving a Mercedes turbo-diesel. Point being you can still keep up and they get all the traffic out of the fast lane for you. Here are a few things I picked up while on the Autobahn. Never pass on the right side, it is considered a serious insult. The faster you drive, the more deadly the accident. We were five minutes behind the worst accident I have ever come across.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Autobahn
Page 3 - Dachau
Page 4 - Oktoberfest
Page 5 - Rhine Valley

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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