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Munich, Germany (page 5-Rhine)

We headed up to Stuttgart that evening to sleep. The dorm room was quite odd. It reminded me of an old gym. The mattress were arranged around the outside of the room on the floor. It was sure nice to take a shower that night. We headed up to Heidelburg the next morning. The Heidelburg Shloss towers impressively above the small town below. It is rather indicative of the stereotypical view of Germany. We tried, with no success, to find a ferry on which we could travel up the Rhine. Alas, we had to settle for driving which was nice enough. We stopped in St. Goar for lunch and splurged on schnitzel and fries. The Rhine valley is very beautiful and also very difficult for growing grapes but that didnīt seem to stop anyone.

Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - Autobahn
Page 3 - Dachau
Page 4 - Oktoberfest
Page 5 - Rhine Valley

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This page last updated on October 20,1998
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